Christmas Miracle

Christmas Miracle

Today I am having deep appreciation for my family and friends. When you are single, the holidays can be pretty tough, in fact life can be pretty tough. Thankfully, I have a strong and loving network of people around me so I feel supported and held, both during life’s triumphs and the hard times.

The holidays are so tricky when you have a life that doesn’t match what you see on the Hallmark channel- and so many of us don’t. It makes loss, separation, estrangements, and grief so much worse. (Divorce, deployment, addiction, incarceration, distance and the ultimate -death.)

My heart is with all of you today who are missing your people for whatever reason. It’s hard when the world looks all bright and shiny for other people and there is a hole in your heart.

And yet, I know there is always a way to find love. We can create love, even in the midst of loss. We can gather with our friends and find community. And we can give to others in need.

Try filling those holes and cracks in your heart by helping others. Spread the love around and if your heart feels empty, fill it by helping someone else. That is how we create love out of nothing- that is the real Christmas miracle.

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