Many Healers Working in Corporate World

Corporate Healers

Many of them feel bad about that as if that means that they are not fully living their life’s purpose. But I think it’s exactly where they are meant to be and that we need an evolution revolution in Corp World.

Think about all the power that corporations have these days. They are the behind the scenes power brokers of the day. What change could be possible here on the planet if corporations and their leaders could pop into consciousness?

Think how much time people spend there and how much power they wield in politics and policy. If they came fully awake, how would that change how we treat each other, and take care of our resources and the planet? I see that many of them WANT to change and are embracing conscious business practices and I foresee that the ones that don’t embrace that will die away like the dinosaurs did.

I think that we can shift the axis of consciousness on the planet by changing things on the level of the corporations, rather than the governments, who seem set into a crash and burn trajectory.

So if you are a healer or an otherwise conscious being planted in a corp THANK YOU. You might be a candle in a dark place or on the cutting edge of those who are waking up.

You might be doing street ministry in your cubicle. Or Reiki in the lunch room but I am telling you, you are on the front line of where healers need to be today and I want to honor you for that.

Lean into it and see what you can bring. Find the openings. Work with “mindset” or mindfulness or however people are open to your magic and mojo. Get real in all the ways that you can and your fellow workers will thank you for it.

No need to quit your corporate job and start a healing practice, unless you really want to. It might be just where you are meant to be and that you can bloom where you are planted.

The World is Changing

The Limiting Factors