My Mentor

Letting Go & Rebalance

My spiritual mentor Bob Lancer told me yesterday that all the breakdowns that are happening in the world right now are due to the imbalances balancing out. The world itself is seeking homeostasis since the imbalance has reached a crisis point. The Earth is changing to adjust herself back into balance and we will need to change our ways too.

The changes will impact those businesses, governments and other institutions that have been greedily eating up the Earth’s resources without care of the consequences of that. They will have to adjust or perish and go the way of the dinosaurs that they have become. Those of us that can adjust to living a more heartful and less materialistic life will flourish in the new world. But change is always difficult and requires surrendering the old while waiting for an unknown new landscape to emerge. It’s all about being willing to let go of everything, which is so hard for our personal selves.

I found this a hopeful message. May we find our way back to balance with much love and compassion for ourselves and each other.

I’m Back…

Happy Solstice!