Energy Healing for Empaths

Did You Know your Sensitivity is Really Your Superpower?

  • Do you struggle with drawing and maintaining boundaries when dealing with the people in your life?
  • Are you highly sensitive and attuned to other’s feelings and energy, to the point where you can’t tell where their energy ends and yours begins?
  • Do you have trouble protecting yourself from “energy vampires?”

If so, you’re probably an empath—and in need of some guidance. Fortunately, there are practical ways to stay balanced and keep your energy safe and secure.

This book will help!

Sensitives, Healers, Intuitives … WE NEED YOU!

When you order Energy Healing for Empaths you will receive access to my online course, Energy Management for Empaths, usually $150 yours FREE with book purchase! As well as additional BONUSES!


Energy Healing for Empaths

How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires, Honor Your Boundaries, and Build Healthier Relationships

The practical skills you need to keep your energy safe and secure!

From energy healer and psychic trainer, Lisa Campion—author of The Art of Psychic Reiki—this healing guide will help you cultivate the energy management skills you need to cope with energy vampires and narcissists, increase your own vitality, and fully embrace your unique gifts. You’ll learn all about:

  • The three types of energy vampires and how to spot them
  • Basic energy management skills to keep your energy strong and robust
  • Practical ways to protect your time, energy, and money from an energy vampire
  • When to cut your losses and getaway, and what to do when you can’t
  • Psychic self-defense—how to handle a psychic attack
  • What to do if you’re an energy vampire
  • And how to diagnose a spiritual issue—not all energy vampires are people!