How to Raise Your Vibration to 5D and Beyond During Tumultuous Times with Wendy Rose Williams

What do people mean when they talk about 3D versus 5D? What is the “fifth dimension” anyway? Many oracles and psychics have been telling us for years now that the human race is raising their level of consciousness and making the jump into this new reality. Join Spiritual Teacher and Healer Wendy Rose Williams as we discuss what this really means and how we can also lift our vibration to it’s highest level right now.

Wendy Rose Williams is a Past Life Adventure Guide. She helps people from around the world release negative experiences they’re unconsciously carrying forward. When they become consciously aware of this energy, it releases pain, anxiety and depression so that they can lead happy, healthy active lives filled with purpose. Wendy became a Certified Spiritual Teacher as well as a hypnotherapist specializing in Past-Life Regression; a Reiki Master; a channel for Mary Magdalen; and an author and speaker.

Soul Mate Straight Talk with Wendy Rose Williams