Is Alchemy Real? Featuring Robert Bosnak

Throughout history, alchemy has been associated not only with the search a process to turn base metal into gold, but also about the spiritual process of enlightenment.  Join Jungian psychoanalyst Robert Bosnak as we discuss the transformative power of modern day alchemy and how that relates to our creative imagination.

Robert Bosnak has been a Zurich trained Jungian psychoanalyst for over 40 years and pioneered the Embodied Imagination (EI) method. He is the author of several books, non-fiction and fiction translated into a wide variety of languages. He is Past President of the International Association for the Study of Dreams and founder of the Santa Barbara Healing Sanctuary. He organized a score of international conferences, among which a series of Facing Apocalypse conferences about apocalyptic imagination in politics: nuclear threat (Newport, 1983); ecological issues (Newport, 1990); Holy War (Moscow, 1992). The EI technique has been used as a rehearsal method by the Royal Shakespeare Company in Stratford-upon-Avon and the Bell Shakespeare Company in Sydney.  He divides his life between Santa Barbara, California and Sydney, Australia.

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Is Alchemy Real? Featuring Robert Bosnak