Making Peace with Death and Dying featuring Judith Johnson

Although we are all going to die, a powerful death taboo prevents us from masterfully meeting this part of our life’s journey. It perpetuates fear and avoidance as our primary responses to death. As a result, far too many people suffer through the experience emotionally isolated, frightened, ignorant of their options and unprepared spiritually and practically.  Join us as we discuss with educator, minister and Chaplin Judith Johnson how we can make peace with the process of dying. When we do, we can live our lives with more purpose, clarity and wisdom. This conversation is also a must for those of us are care taking someone at the end of life.

Judith Johnson is an educator whose mission is to help others master the art of being true to themselves. For over forty years, she has been studying and teaching the dynamics of how our beliefs inform our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors as individuals and in our relationships, social order, culture, and institutions. Johnson’s work draws upon her own life lessons, wisdom teachings from around the world, doctoral degrees in social psychology and spiritual science, and her experience mentoring others.

Ordained as an interfaith minster in 1985, she serves as a chaplain at her local hospital and counsels the grieving. Johnson is the author of Writing Meaningful Wedding Vows and lives in New York’s Hudson Valley.

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Making Peace with Death and Dying featuring Judith Johnson