Well, I Have Had a Tough Week

Heart in Stones

It’s been a ‘circle of life’ kind of time, losing my beautiful dog to old age. I have been feeling so heart smashed open and instead of resisting it, I am really leaning into it. It’s tempting to run and hide from grief. To turn the TV on or get busy cleaning out my attic or have a glass of wine.

Or better yet to hide out in my attic, chugging wine, eating cupcakes and watching all three seasons of Stanger Things without getting out of my jammies for days.

Instead of doing that, I am staying with myself and feeling all the feels.

Grief is the flip side of love and the more we love, the more we grieve. I am learning not to close down to grief but to open to it so much that what I feel is more love. It feels like going so deeply into something that I am coming out the other side into more love.

We all long to able to fully open our hearts and never feel any loss and yet there are guarantees down here on Planet Earth, only that love is destined to be transitory and temporal. We must love bravely, knowing we will lose love since everything changes.

And yet, can love ever really be lost? On the heavenly plain, love is eternal and abiding. There is no separation or loss.

As humans, we get the wonder of experiencing both.

It’s kind of a miracle actually. We get to be smashed open wide by and turned inside out by grief and live in the knowing of the eternal nature of love.

I feel humbled and sculpted by the whole experience, like those stones made smooth by the surf at the edge of the ocean.