
Wow we had an incredible weekend at Awaken. I love that Rhys Thomas and I have an amazing job of helping people learn who they really are and step into the full power of their life’s purpose.

I have seen so many people struggle with this, because they are trying to create a life based on who they think they should be, rather than who they really are. When you know who you really are, your life purpose is easy.

It’s just you doing you.

And that extends into all areas of your life, which tend to fall into place, if not like little lambs, at least with divine grace and beauty.

If we think about this as vibration and frequency, which is the basis of all Law of Attraction work, then we know we vibrate our frequency into the world and the world (friends, jobs, money, lovers….) responds with harmony and attraction or with dissonance and repulsion. When we change our frequency and vibrate out our true selves, then we get back a life that is harmonious with that.

Sadly, most of us have committed to being someone who is slightly off kilter from our real selves. We have trouble sharing the truth of our power, our vulnerability, our whacky off beat sense of humor, our tender open heartedness or our supreme geekiness. (That’s me, BTW…)

We want to look good on the surface and fit in to what is expected of us. We want to be the “proper” size and shape, in all the areas of our lives. (OMG- go see the movie “I Feel Pretty.” Hysterical and so poignant.) We get squeezed into being nice when we are programed to be a power house. Or we have to be a tough guy/gal when we are really a gentle hearted empath.

We spend (and waste) a tremendous amount of time in the spiritual equivalent of a corset that chokes, squishes and squeezes us in painful and unnecessary ways. What a relief to put that heavy weight down, unzip the damn thing and just let our own true selves flap out in the breeze.

Spiritually speaking, it’s taking off the corset, wig and false eyelashes and running around the Garden of Eden, naked and happy once more.

There is a pain and turbulence when we do it since that which doesn’t resonate anymore will eventually fall away. And I think that is why people get scared and turn away from this sacred work. (The devil you know… ) But the pleasure of being yourself and letting your purpose flow from that is worth upsetting the apple cart in the long run.

So, undo your too tight personal, internal corset and let the real you flow out in all its glory. The world needs YOU just as you really are.

