
Why do people care about a royal wedding? Because for once in the news there is a huge amount of attention paid to a love story.
It feels like a genuine love story, with real, sweet, honest to God love in it. What a breath of fresh air!

We get a pretty steady diet of NOT love stories all day and every day, in our own lives and through the media. This love story had the beautiful bride and groom part, but it also had ground breaking social love. We have ourselves a new bi-racial princess welcomed into an old and honorable family that needs some new blood and new color in it. It was a very inclusive kind of love.

It was amazing to hear LOVE spoken about directly, from the heart and with a lot of soul.

Beauty, grace, hope and love are important and available to us all. We NEED beauty and love in our lives. Our psyches demand it. It is food and drink for the soul.

If you watch TV, then you had a choice of volcano (pretty cool, actually), the horrifying and embarrassing political scandal du jour, and yet another soul killing, mind numbing school shooting.

Or… grace, beauty, love and HOPE. A royal wedding.

The royalty part also touches a deep, archetypal part of the human psyche. Our psyches need the kings and queens of the world. We have to believe that there are still benevolent rulers in the world. It helps us feel that we have something solid to hold into through the passage of time. Of course, kings and queens have done plenty of bad stuff too throughout history, and that is why I think they are only “figureheads” now and why that suits us. They fill the psychological need we have for these archetypes.

The princes and princesses carry the energy of hope for the coming generations. And these ones deliver. They do boatloads of community service. They believe in things. And they open the door of change, growth, progress and love directly into our psyches. We grew up on a steady diet of Disney Princesses, who have also been wired directly into our psyches and sometimes they do wonderful and amazing things too.

Somewhere in the back of every woman’s soul is the desire to be a princess, to be recognized as special and treated like royalty by someone.

If the House of Windsor embraces the very modern union of Harry and Meghan, that is progress indeed. That is evidence you can hang your hat on.

29 million people watched it and maybe they all felt those deep and healing feelings.

Real love is alive and well.

Change is upon us and sometimes it’s good.

Beauty, grace, hope and love are important and available to us all.

I still need and want to believe that love conquers all and that it’s real. And the power of love can dwarf and supplant the Dark for these moments at least.

Three cheers for love!


Inner Child