Emerge Triumphant With Eliana Gilad

Have you found your voice? When people tap into the source of their voice, in the silence behind it, full expression emerges—in words, tones and song – enabling them to stay centered, powerful, peaceful and focused, even in times of crisis, change, challenge and transformation. Eliana Gilad is a two-time TEDx presenter, motivational speaker, healing voice mentor, therapeutic singing trainer, composer/performer, and founder of Voices of Eden Ancient Wisdom and Healing Music Institute. She helps people understand that when they give their inner voice the ability and power to shine, limiting barriers can be broken and people can become their own leaders, opening themselves up to a world of new possibilities.

Visit Eliana Gilad https://www.voicesofeden.com/

Find out more about Voices of Eden https://www.voicesofeden.com/book/