Empathy is the cure for hatred and violence

Lisa Campion


When we open up to empathy, we stop seeing people as OTHER than us and we remember that we are all connected, all one and that even when we have different experiences and opinions, we are still all one.

Empathy means that I can’t hurt you without hurting myself and that we are connected inside the intricate web of life.

Empathy, compassion and love are the path to unity consciousness.

Being polarized will leave us stuck in the swamp of hatred, violence and division.

When you give into the hot and chaotic energy of polarity and hatred you start playing the US vs THEM game and that is a game no one wins. There is such violence inside self-righteous anger and thinking you are right and someone is so wrong that they no longer are even a fellow human anymore.

When we lack empathy, we can let this self-righteous anger take over and then see others as objects, as The Problem, as labels, or as something other and different from you. They are black or white or maybe they are red or blue, but whatever they are, they are not on our team.

If you are feeling judgmental, angry, blaming and victimy, you have momentarily lost your empathy, which is your ticket to unity consciousness. We can’t be in unity consciousness and still engage in the bitter separation of polarity.

Deep empathy erases those illusory divisions and reminds us that we are all one.

This doesn’t mean that we should have no boundaries and not hold people accountable for their behavior, because we should and need way more of that so that everyone can be safe. In fact, the more I stand in love, the stronger and more effortless my boundaries become. And that feeling creates an inner safety inside myself that allows me to surrender a little more deeply into the oneness.

It’s a moment by moment practice for me. A choice I take with each thought and feeling and sometimes it’s really hard! And I keep at it, since the peace and joy that I feel when I let go of fear and separation is worth all the hard work.