Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2019

Well the wheel of the year has turned again and we usher in 2019 as the door closes on 2018. It’s been an “interesting” year for many of us. Full of plot twists, sudden endings, expansive openings and a lot of the worms coming out if the woodwork.

Whatever was lying hidden came out into the open, for better or worse. I could see this pattern in myself and my clients. People had a sudden diagnosis for long term underlying health conditions. Affairs of the heart revealed themselves. People broke up, broke down and broke through. There were sudden firings and hirings. The secrets that we have long lived with became revealed.

Although that can be hard, it also feels productive. I am not the type to live with secrets, and I have a “better out than in” philosophy about life. As a healer, there isn’t much good that comes from keeping things on the inside.

When all is revealed, we can start the good work of healing, working through things and moving on. The truth will set you free- good words to live by.

Although this truth spilling has been harrowing for so many people, it’s been tempered with the possibility of healing through things more quickly too, and people are blowing through all kinds of gnarly issues that in the past would have taken years to move through. It’s a very productive time for healing work.

I see this all moving towards a life that is more coherent. Things, people, relationships, wounds, places, jobs that are out of resonance with you, simply won’t stick around. And what is left will be harmonious with who you are at your core.

It’s all good in the long run, this getting burned down to our bones- that which is left is close to your core.

I have a lot of courage around these types of things and it’s still been hard for me. I am a counter phobic, rip the band aid off quick type and still I have worked as close to my soul wound as I ever have done. And come out the other side feeling better than ever.

My advice to myself (feel free to take it or leave it) is to set an intention for 2019. I like intentions better than resolutions. Maybe it’s a word, I am considering the word “fulfilled.” Or maybe it’s a set of goals. Hold a strong vibe with this and raise the bar high. It’s going to be a good year for manifesting, especially if it’s radically aligned with your soul. Goal setting from your inner critic will fall flatter than ever this year, which is why no “resolutions” for me. 

And concentrate on self-care and supporting ourselves with loving attention and kindness. Make a self-care list of 20 things you can do to put gas back in your energy tank. Mine is on my fridge and I take a good look at it before I stick my head in the fridge. (Walk the dog, call a friend, chamomile tea, get some writing done, knit and watch football, take a tubby or a nap. Or a nap in the tubby….)

I wish you the best year of your life for 2019.

May we all live long and prosper.

May we find resonance and coherence.

And may we have good company along the way.

See ya next year!

It’s a mad house out there

Soul Reading Salon