Connecting With Oneness featuring Rasha

Join the conversation with Rasha, who has working with “Oneness,” the Divine Presence we all share, and many refer to as “God.” She was taken step by step through the sacred journey of transformation and through incredible changes that have allowed her to connect with the Oneness. This universal experience is available to all of us, tune in and find out how you can connect too!

Author of Oneness and The Calling, Rasha awakened to her inner-calling as a conduit of Divine guidance in 1987. She began working with Oneness The Divinity We All Share in 1998, documenting the Revelations that serve as the foundation for the Oneness series, and addressing the profound spiritual awakening that is the hallmark of these times. In the process, she was taken step by step through the Sacred Journey to Oneness and through the life-altering changes that are shaking the foundation of today’s world. As a spiritual teacher with a profound message, Rasha is not affiliated with any established spiritual path, religion or guru. Her teachings are universal and focus on the experience of the Divinity within each of us. The loving guidance of Oneness continues to be documented by Rasha as this Divine outreach to humanity flows through her and comes to life on her laptop. An incurable world-traveler, Rasha now lives at the foot of the mystical mountain, Arunachala, in South India.

Connecting With Oneness featuring Rasha