
a depth to my healing work

I am noticing a depth to my healing work right now that I have seldom experienced before. People are going DEEP. We can talk all day about how intense the “energies” are (and they ARE!) and the trials and tribulations of the astrology and shift in human consciousness.

Today I am feeling grateful for it.

I am experiencing, in myself and my work with my clients, an ability to deeply touch the core wounds. It is profound and sacred, the very bottom of the well. Once this depth has been reached, there is a letting go, a release which leaves me with a feeling of weightlessness and hope. It’s quite liberating. If you can lean in during the squeezy times, freedom from your past is right on the other side.

It’s a good time to do healing work. And when we are done with that, rest and do something creative.

As challenging as the deep plunges go, I am also flooded with creative energy. I have been working in the garden, writing, create new projects and classes- all of which is very fun for me. I am allowing the waves of energy to move through me and the world and when I relax and surrender it’s wonderful, even the intense bits.

Like lying on your back in the ocean waves and just enjoying the ride.

I AM….
