How are You Doing Inside Your Cocoon?

Rebirth & resurrection

I have dropped into a rhythm of surrender and seeing how the days unfold.

It does feel like divine timing that we should be cocooned during Easter, the time of death and rebirth.

When the feeling of fear and grief come up, I let them wash over me and through me. It feels like heavy surf on the beach, and sometimes, I go under.

But when I come up for air, I am content to float on the waves, in that surrendered state.

Last night, I had a dream that I was floating on my back in a gentle, warm ocean. A wave of golden light was washing over the world and I felt incredible peace and comfort. It was an amazing feeling and I wish I could pass it on to you. Like the warmest, most loving touch, like being rocked to sleep when you were a baby and feeling completely safe, comfortable and loved.

I woke up with that feeling still inside me, thinking, “I am not sure what is going to happen next, but no matter what, it’s all unfolding perfectly.”

We are all being reborn, I know it. Our personal self struggles, fights, fear change and suffers from the attachment to what is. And oh the pain!

My inner peace came from letting go of my attachment about what I am being reborn into and having the faith that no matter what it is, it will be perfect. And that I have no idea what to expect, which is also rather freeing.

We must let go of the old to bring in the new.

Welcome rebirth and resurrection!