One of My New Found Skills

Flow of Life

One of my new found skills is about going with the flow. I find this very relaxing and creates peace inside me. Arguing with reality never works, but I can surrender into the moments and allow the flow of life to unfold around me.

There is some strange process happening inside me now. I know the world is getting crazy out there, but my life feels more peaceful and joyful everyday. I think it’s because I have learned to really stay in the moment and appreciate what is happening in the moments as they unfold. I don’t believe the “what ifs” anymore. I do my best to stay present, where so far, so good. Like really good.

Also I am person that is never bored. There is so much to learn and do!

I am going to take the time I have to prep my garden which is so fun for me. I have also been thinking about cleaning out my basement.

Learning latin and remembering my French.

Writing another of the books that is floating around in my head.

Doing not much of anything, which is a beloved occupation that I never get to indulge in.

I am redoing my website.

Re-reading beloved books and finding new one.

Cooking and eating yummy food.

Ok, I admit that I am sort of bummed that I won’t be going to France in April as planned, but I will get there when the time is right. I know it!

In the meantime, there is sooo much beauty and love in the moments!