A weekend that Seemed Like it was Going to be a Calamity

Merry Christmas

My mother was feeling poorly and needed someone to look after her. And my daughter got turned away from her flight to Austria because her passport is due to expire in two months.

Everyone was distraught and upset. I have been practicing The Method with my spiritual teacher Bob Lancer and am beginning to see that problems are really about our point of view.

He asked me, “Could it be that this is playing out exactly perfectly, as it is meant to be?” In my anxiety, I could only see a problem. But as I opened up my heart and mind to the possibility that this was a gift and not a problem, the whole world changed. (Well… the world was always as it was. It was I who changed….) 

And we had the sweetest weekend you could have. I don’t think I have ever spent that much quality time with my mother and my daughter together. We trimmed the Christmas tree, and decorated the house. We drank mulled wine and watched fun old movies. It went from being a “disaster” to a being high point in my life. An irreplaceable, unplanned bit of magic.

My daughter will get to Austria when the time is right. Maybe it will be today. Maybe it will be next week. But I know it will be the exact right time. My mother will be home with my dad today, which is right where she wants to be and it’s all good.

What a shift as I come out of feeling like I have an adversarial relationship with the universe, into knowing that God/Source/Universe has my back at all times and knows WAAAAY more about how to achieve love, beauty and harmony than my wee little monkey mind can fathom.