We are Having “Weather” Today

New England Weather - Snow Storm

This is New England speak for snow, by the way. 80 degrees and sunny isn’t actually weather that’s worth talking about. Real “Weather” is usually a blizzard or a Nor’easter. Or it’s raining frogs. Or perhaps we might call it Weather if aliens landed in Boston Common.

I was at Whole Foods stocking up on food cuz Weather means you must go and buy food like the Apocalypse is coming. It was a crazy madhouse in there, but I had a moment of Pure Love at the checkout counter.

Everyone was talking about the Weather and the upcoming football game. (I am in the 10 inch zone and there is nothing really to talk about until you are in the double digits…) I had this happy glow, as I was standing there in my Patriots hoodie, that I belong somewhere. That I am home here and that these are my people.

And that people, in general, are wonderful. I liked everyone around me, busy as they were, taking care of business.

Sometimes in these moments of happiness and connection, my psychic vision switches on and I can see the hearts of people. There were good solid people there today. A couple looking happy with each other. A dad and his kids. An elderly man tending to a frail looking woman.

I know there is pain, trauma and hardship all around me too, I hear it everyday in my private practice. But I choose to focus on the love, choosing to believe that what we honor is amplified and that when I see and honor love, I make more of it.

I hope you have a cozy, warm place to be today no matter where you are. And if you are also in NE, hope you thrive in Weather and maybe even enjoy it.


PS- Go Pats!