I Know This is Crazy …

Love story

I know this is crazy, but I keep having this idea about writing a romance novel. Crazy because I already have a book in process and double crazy cuz I actually HATE romance novels.

It always annoys me that the characters in most romance novels can’t communicate and have terrible relationship skills. I shake my head and mutter- “They just need 5 minutes of a truthful conversation and then would magically be no issues that take 250 pages to stupidly resolve. Sheesh.”

Or I want them all to go to therapy like reasonable people do.

And yet, I want to write about LOVE, since it is all I really think about. Love in all its forms, actually.

So I have been toying around in my mind what kind of love story I would really like to read. And quite frankly, to live.

I want them to be middle aged, not 20 years old. And to have real life issues like we all do. Maybe they have issues with their kids and their parents. Maybe there is divorce, betrayal, addiction, depression and pain weaving through the narrative along with the butterflies in the belly of new love.

I want them to not have perfect bodies and perfect lives. Maybe they have stretch marks and dad bodies but are allowing the challenges of life to open their hearts and find real intimacy, love and vulnerability.

Maybe it’s more inclusive and it’s not all white, straight and homogeneous. You know, like real life.

And I want it all to have little MAGIC in it. The synchronicity of soulmates meeting, of hearts healing, challenges overcome as we open up. Not in a Hallmark Channel sugary way, but with a bit of grit in the glitter.

I know nothing about writing fiction, but I think I am going to try my hand at it, in all my spare time. What do you think?