Lisa’s Love Bomb
You just knew that I was going to take advantage of Valentines Day to write about LOVE, right? I love writing about love, it’s really my favorite topic ever, even better then sex, coffee or chocolate. In fact I think …
You just knew that I was going to take advantage of Valentines Day to write about LOVE, right? I love writing about love, it’s really my favorite topic ever, even better then sex, coffee or chocolate. In fact I think …
This morning I had about twenty robins in my yard. They were so fat and fluffy, eating the rose hips off the rose bushes and squabbling on the garden fence. It was lovely to see them and lifted my heart. …
No worries I am still working on my Sexplorations II Blog, but I thought I would throw in a New Year’s bloglet just for the occasion. Happy New Year! It’s been a funny couple of days for me. My prognostication …
I like sex. I like sex a lot. Honestly, I think it’s one of the only reasons I keep coming back to this crazy Earth School. It’s the best perk in having a body, right? Our bodies are pretty high …
By Lisa Campion I don’t know what has come over me. All I want to do is write about death and sex. (Sex coming soon!) It must be the Scorpio influence right now. This time of year (Sun in Scorpio) …
Today, I am basking in the glow of new hope. Kai and I stayed up late to watch the elections results, and I cried like a baby through Obama’s victory speech. It is amazing to think that in my lifetime, …
Halloween is my favorite holiday, pagan chick that I am. I love that people get all dressed up in scary costumes and the shadow side of life comes to the surface. For that one night we let out our inner …
Call me Cleopatra cuz I am the queen of denial! I am pretty sure that is a country music song. I actually like country music (don’t tell anyone!) it has so much pathos and feeling in it. OK, I like …