Rough Week

Wow, I had such a rough week this week. So many things happened all at once, faster than I could respond to them. Everything will be fine in the long run, so no major catastrophes. And I noticed that so many of clients were swamped with issues this week too.

There are just times when shit happens.

This week was all about dealing with other people’s breakdowns- mechanical, physical and emotional. We are under this squeezing and contracting kind of energy that I think literally breaks things under its pressure. People get sick, go crazy, break up, break out, freak out and I am sorry to say, drop dead under this kind of pressure.

My astrology friends could tell you why it’s so squeezy right now. The cosmic forecasts are chaotic and the psychic weather is dire. It is also where we are in the cycle of The Shift- which I never really believed in until recently. But I am

telling you, hang onto your hats, cuz whatever isn’t working in your life, whatever gasket is about to blow in your psyche, your marriage or your car engine might just give way under this kind of compression we are in.

Perhaps it’s because as the human race quickens into consciousness that which no longer resonates with you will be imploding now- like it or not. There really is NO holding onto the past security blankets out of fear.

We are getting compressed down to our bones, our core selves and our truth. The small self is scrabbling madly to hold on. Maybe there is grace and gratitude that we can feel when this kind of revolution happens to us, since we don’t often have the courage to pull the trigger of change ourselves.

I prefer to see this kind of squeezing and compression as a birth process. Being born anew requires that we go down this cosmic birth canal and each contraction moves us further along to the light at the end of the tunnel -if you pardon the metaphor.

Although I can perceive the benefit of this cosmic contractions, it still has moments where it just sucks. When I have had all I can take, it’s time for radical self-care. Nurturing and distracting myself seem to work. I have considered hiding in my bed until this latest round is over, or at least putting my nose under the couch like my dog does during a thunderstorm in hopes that this universal cluster will move on without bothering me further. Zoinks….

And I am still curious about the process. I am paying attention to what is shifting in me. What am I wanting these days? What intentions am I holding? Who do I want to be in this New Earth?

And you?

Inner Child

Tide of Depression