The Magic of Sedona Part 2

Magic of Sedona- Part 2 - The Summit

Sedona is so incredible right now and I feel blessed to be here. It’s been an amazing day, starting with watching the sunrise at the Airport Mesa vortex. Then I went on a Jeep Tour out to some more of the vortexes and the energy on them is nuts!

My tour guide for the day said that the native Americans historically wouldn’t live here in Sedona, since it is really special energy and better for ceremony than for trying to get a good nights sleep. Of course, my hotel is right on the edge of the Airport Vortex, so it’s a little intense to try and sleep here. Wow. Pretty sure the aliens were trying to peep in the windows… just saying…

Each vortex has a unique vibe to it, some feel very intense and a little jarring, and some are super soft and relaxed. My experience was that they have these energy bubbles that ripple around them and that they break up stuck, discordant and non-cohesive energy in us humans. If you have a lot of unprocessed emotion and trauma it feels a bit overwhelming as that stuff comes up to be cleared.

I feel like I have been peeling away layers of the old that need to go and as I let go, I feel more bliss, joy and gratitude. I was so blissed out in the high joy vibe today, I think it was the most joy I have every felt and I thought I was going to burst with it.

I had this deep insight that it’s really hard to actually get a human body and be here on the planet right now, it’s basically like you have to win the lottery to get one and we need to remember what a gift our lives are, how lucky we are and how beautiful this whole humaning thing is. Except when we are all filled with trauma, negative thinking and emotional and energy goo, we suffer and feel like doo doo and wish we weren’t here. It’s better to do the work and go back into that state of joy and that is why we are here…


Magic of Sedona- Part 2 - Lisa Campion

I have been working on this new form of Reiki that I am downloading (as we speak…) called Quantum Healing Reiki and I got some massive up levels in my own energy field today, hanging out in this vortex energy. And then I did a Quantum Reiki attunement and healing in the vortex on someone else and it was so freaking powerful! Omg.

I am now determined to do a retreat here probably in the fall or next spring so I can do a bunch of healings and attunements in the vortexes. I think we will all rocket launch off the planet… Wheee!

Stay tuned for more into on that as I cook it up.

Oh yeah- and I had this experience of releasing old stuff back into The Probability Field, I will write about that whole thing tomorrow.

PS: I should have been a travel writer… So fun!