There is so Much Pressure this Time of Year

You are Enough

We all want the Holidays to go well for ourselves and our loved ones. The pressure to create something “perfect” is strong.

We long for community, connection and to have a place to belong to. And where our reality falls short of that, we suffer.

We compare ourselves with what we see on social media. (A polished image, showing only the highlights, or often staged and showcased images.) And where our reality falls short of that, we suffer.

Or worse yet, we compare our lives and ourselves to what we see on TV. (A delusion invented to entertain you and maybe sell some products.) And where our reality falls short of that, we suffer.

Now we are headed towards the New Year with its joy killing resolutions. And cheery emails from business coaches, weight loss experts and influencers who want to challenge you to be your best, best, best self, which is clearly five miles down the road from where you currently are.

Or maybe five lifetimes down the road.

I am not dissing coaches and trainers, I use them myself all the time and deeply appreciate the work that they do.

I am, however, weary of the prevailing attitude of NOT ENOUGHNESS that permeates our culture and reaches its peak of insanity during the Holidays and New Years.

I am convinced that we would all be happier and more joyful if we can deeply embrace who we are and what we have right now.

What would happen if you could see your world through the lens of ENOUGH as it is right now?

What if your relationship and your family were also enough as they are? Your kids are enough with their multitude of quirks and challenges and also their amazing bright and shiny parts.

What would your life be like today if you could see your significant other as enough, with their heart of gold and all their annoying and endearing imperfections too?
And you?

You are adorable, and worthy of love in every way. Stay off the scale, put on your stretch pants and treat yourself and your body as being so worthy of love. That might mean taking a nap, eating a few cookies but not fifteen cookies and deciding to walk every day. Or might mean joining Cross Fit and really going for it, if that is what loving yourself feels like today.

Perhaps it means resetting your expectations of yourself so that you are allowing the whispers of your soul to move you rather than the malicious, never to be satisfied voice of your inner critic.

You are exactly where you need to be in your life right now. How could it be any other way?

Don’t buy the hype. Don’t believe the illusion.

You. Are. Enough. Right now. Today and all days.

PS- Here is another important safety tip- Let’s all use the energy of New Year’s festivities to celebrate our own and each other’s accomplishments of the past year. Toot your own horn, savor your successes and heap praise upon yourself and all your beloveds.

I Remember When I was Little

Found an Old Journal from 2009